
Making The Tough Decisions Together

As summer ends and kids head back to school, divorced parents and those facing divorce are met with new challenges and decisions. Decisions on healthcare and how you want to handle the ongoing pandemic are lead discussion topics amongst those with children. Now more than ever it is imperative that parents learn howto express their views to offer possible solutions, even potential compromise, whether or not they are exactly on the same page.

Divorce Without War®️ is a platform for couples to settle their divorce using interest-based methods for resolution, without the need for the court’s involvement. Using specially designed methodology we answer your questions, address your concerns, and help guide you every step of the way. Out of court. Using one protocol. Efficiently. Easily. Effectively.

At Divorce Without War®️ we rely on time-tested rules of mediation, cooperation, collaboration, and negotiation. These methods focus on what matters most; you and your family.

Even if you are already divorced but are facing these new and unforeseen
parenting challenges, we can help you. Contact us today at to find out how we can help you peacefully resolve these matters, without the war, and without the painful costs that may result in a courtroom confrontation.

To your “peace” of mind,
The Divorce Without War® Team

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